2018 Kobukai/TRITAC Holiday Bash

It’s that time of year again. Everyone’s favorite time of the year, our annual Holiday Bash.
This tradition comes from our Kobukai JuJutsu lineage and is based off an ancient Japanese year end tradition where the people would engage in any type of extreme physical feat, like a long distance run or polar bear plunge or a large fight like we do. After they exerted themselves as much as the possibly could, there would be an large party. Cleanse the soul through physical exertion and spend time with those closest too you.
The direct tradition from our Kobukai roots started in 1993 when Kobukai was in it’s infancy. Shihan St.Hilaire was sharing a training spot with a Tae Kwon Do dojo and they invited him and his Jujutsu guys for a friendly year end tournament. It did not end too well for the TKD guys and they didn’t invite the Kobukai guys back next year. So Shihan started the Kobukai Bash and it has been a very important part of our heritage ever since.
These are completely friendly fights, and though some of us go hard as hell with each other (See some of last years clips) it’s all with only love. It’s all about pushing yourself and those around you to cleanse your mind, body, and soul. Great tradition

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